

Gas King Oil Co. Ltd. is a company committed to the success of its employees and the satisfaction of its customers. We offer our employees a fun and productive work environment, a chance to work with great people and an opportunity to show off their outstanding customer service skills to many interesting customers.

Join the Royal Family and discover what makes Gas King a great place to work!

Gas King - Established 1985
"I've been the store manager at Eastside since 2020 and absolutely love my job! There are soo many perks on shift! We get free hot beverages, Williwa and fountain drinks. The staff is friendly and our regular customers make our day! The head office staff is always helpful and just a phone call away."
Lisa D. - Manager, Eastside Gas King
"I am a Manager at Gas King and have been for the last several months. I was a Manager for 5 years prior and have just returned after 13 years. I can say that though there have been a lot of changes with the business, some things are thankfully still the same. The way you are treated by upper management and the owner is still as stellar as ever. This is a family company and they make you feel like family. While they have a business to run, you are still important to them as a person. They are always willing to work with you, your needs and situations. I am so glad that I have returned to work with these great people and enjoy the perks that they provide us to make us feel appreciated. I recommend giving Gas King a chance as your future employer!"
Kim S. - Manager, Southview Gas King
"I have worked for GasKing since June of 2015,working for this company has been an enjoyable experience. I work in the newly minted SKK kitchen and love working here.The staff here are an amazing bunch of people and the head office people are great to work for. Free williwas, coffee etc on shift. We have a fantastic loyal customer base who love our newly renovated Store! "
Steven O. - Assistant Manager, Eastside Gas King


Join The Royal Family

Customer Service Attendant (CSA)

CSAs interact with our customers daily and, therefore, are the backbone of our organization and the key to our success. A positive attitude, eagerness to please and demonstration of superior customer service skills will prove to our customers that Gas King is the way to go!

Assistant Manager

As an Assistant Manager your job is to assist the manager in the successful daily operation of the business and perform management duties when the Manager is absent. You are to mentor the Customer Service Attendants and help the manager ensure that store is following guidelines as directed by Head Office.

Gas King wants their Assistant Managers to provide the utmost support to the Manager. You will perform many jobs during the day, so you are required to have superb time management skills. An Assistant Manager will need to be a team player, as you will be a CSA and a manager all during the course of a day.


Management plays a critical role in the company's success. They are given the responsibility to manage the daily operation of the business and to strive to have the store operating at the highest level. It crucial that you develop your team, maintain positive relationships with vendors, and ensure that your customers needs are met day in and day out.

Gas King wants managers who an delegate responsibility, but also know how to perform every task themselves. While there is a certain amount of administration to be done, it is preferred that management spend a good portion of their day working with employees and assisting customers.